

LIANG Bo is from Xiaogan,China. He receives his Master from the Central South University in 2018 and bachelor’s degree from the South China University in 2015. His research interests focus on nano material. He has already published more than 6 papers in SCI Journals, such as ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, ACS energy mater. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., Catal. Sci. Technol, and J. Colloid interf. He has received National Scholarship fot postgraduate (2017)Excellent graduate student of Central South University (2017). He joined Zhao’s Lab to work on “Complementary and synergistic signal molecules loaded electrospun fibers for tendon healing”  His research interests focus on stretchable and conductive hydrogel. In his spare time, Liang Bo enjoys hiking singing and traveling.



LIANG Bo is from Xiaogan,China. He receives his Master from the Central South University in 2018 and bachelor’s degree from the South China University in 2015. His research interests focus on nano material. He has already published more than 6 papers in SCI Journals, such as ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, ACS energy mater. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., Catal. Sci. Technol, and J. Colloid interf. He has received National Scholarship fot postgraduate (2017)Excellent graduate student of Central South University (2017). He joined Zhao’s Lab to work on “Complementary and synergistic signal molecules loaded electrospun fibers for tendon healing”  His research interests focus on stretchable and conductive hydrogel. In his spare time, Liang Bo enjoys hiking singing and traveling.

