Going below and beyond the surface: Microneedle structure, materials, drugs, fabrication, and applications for wound healing and tissue regeneration
Source: | Author:id201903110001 | Published time: 2023-04-19 | 304 Views | Share:
S. Lyu, Z. Dong, X. Xu, H.-P. Bei, H.-Y. Yuen, C.-W. James Cheung, M.-S. Wong, Y. He, X. Zhao, Bioactive Materials 2023, 27, 303.(IF 16.874)

S. Lyu, Z. Dong, X. Xu, H.-P. Bei, H.-Y. Yuen, C.-W. James Cheung, M.-S. Wong, Y. He, X. Zhao, Bioactive Materials 2023, 27, 303.(IF 16.874)
